
President & CEO Kotaro Mitani
Management Philosophy
As a public institution, we aim to contribute to society through our business.
As a group of experts in nonferrous metal materials and processing, we are committed to contributing to society by proposing and implementing solutions to problems.
We train employees to be determined and able to maximize customer satisfaction, and we aim to create an environment in which employees can experience the joy of working.
Mitani Shoji can formulate and propose specific solutions
to address each customer’s unique challenges and issues.
01.Top speed
We value working at top speed. Our strength lies in our ability to take swift action on any matter.
02.Constant self-improvement
Never become complacent with the status quo; we are always seeking to achieve better outcomes while pushing our limits with a positive attitude in our day-to-day operations.
03.Striving to grow always
We always set new goals and strive to improve ourselves without ever being satisfied with the status quo.
04.Team-based solutions
We are a team of professionals striving to achieve the same goals. By continuously keeping other members in mind and drawing out each other’s strengths, we create greater strength as a whole.
05.Always visualizing success
We approach everything with a “can-do” attitude. By thinking and acting on our own initiative first, we continue to be moved by the joy of trying.
06.Gratitude for all beings
Our interactions with all people, including our customers, suppliers, employees, and everyone else, are infused with a sense of gratitude.
We believe that everything is up to us. Instead of blaming the environment or other factors for any failures we may encounter, we think and act based on the attitude of “What can we do?”.
08.We are a partner to each of our customers
We strive to be a reliable business partner, capable of understanding each customer’s specific circumstances and intentions.
09.We are proud of our work
We take pride in our work as we strive to achieve increasingly higher goals and find joy amidst difficulties.
We conduct ourselves with unrelenting effort and enthusiasm so we can accomplish what we feel proud of through our work.
10.We are always professional
We carry ourselves while recognizing that we each proudly represent the company.
11.Earning trust through sincerity
We approach all aspects of business with a sincere attitude that does not disappoint any business partners.
Through our individual enthusiasm and sincerity, we earn the trust of our customers and suppliers.
12.Eliminating bias
Without presuming anything is unfeasible or impossible, we provide suggestions from a novel perspective.
Logo Design

Mitani Shoji’s corporate logo has this traditional curvy design of goldsmithing that incorporates the initials “M” and “S,” resembling a kamon (Japanese family emblem). It signifies the company’s willingness to undertake any challenge that the future may bring while holding dear its corporate culture of sincerity that has been fostered over the years. The logo uses the traditional Japanese color of konjō (deep blue). This color originates from azurite, a mineral from which copper is produced, signifying the company’s non-ferrous metal business.